
Yeti-PSP - RGBA8888 beta

I believe Yeti3D deserves a respective namechange due to the major source changes… so i guess Yeti-PSP works…

 So the updates of the engine to date (altough there is no release) are:

 1. Engine no longer uses debug library to initialize framebuffer.

2. All source code remains in the “source” directory, source for all other platforms has been removed, along with the source to map editor (which for GNU reasons has nothing to do with the executable).

3. “main.c” source code cleanup with more organized commenting.

4. RGBA8888 is being implemented as the new color mode. (Nearing completion, I just need to convert from 5551 to 8888 in the source, so as of right now the whole scene is tinted red)  :/

5. Altough i have not started implementing it, I’m going to move away from calculating sin, cos, etc. in pre-calculated tables.

6. FAST_EBOOT.PBP isn’t coming in the zip anymore, the speed difference isn’t really that much. But you can still compile a fast version just by commenting out the sceDisplayWaitVblankStart(); line in “main.c”.

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